Sunday, December 7, 2008

Silly:::A No Dream-On Christmas Wishlist

Really, they will not remain as wishes since, in the first place, they are not. They are just disguised as one for me not to spoil the yuletide air. These are the following I'll be needing to go through the year of the ox (suddenly jumping to new-year air).

1. Planner
I was about to buy one at National Bookstore, but I found the products too monotonous for my taste. It seems the planners have the bold boring written all over their pages, which I'll try to escape in 2009. So I prefer the one that is given as tokens by companies. Last year, I got Matwood. I need a planner that has colors, trees, plants, or furniture, or pots, glasses.

2. A case for 2x3 Mp4 (a fake one).
A self-gift for the year-end that has about to come. I found phone's FM radios are not enough anymore. They are songs that I want to hear all over again, again, and again (gusto kong matutong magdrive, buksan mo ang iyong mata, di mo ba nakikita). E-heads is crowding my head now. And there is no station that offers poetry readings. (Ow, there are some. Some AM stations offer once-a-week reading.)

3. F. Sionil Jose, Jose Garcia Villa, and St. Nick Joaquin
I have not read FSJ yet. I had read some Doveglion and St. Nick, but I can't consider it as close-reading since it was just some required college readings. St. Nick was my professor's, and Villa was an extension of Paz's (another professor's requirement forgot the name of the author already, was it the author of Dead Stars?). Villa was once a student of Paz (If i'm not mistaken.) I read her students' works—Villa, was there names Angela and Eleanor? I have to read them.

4. Painting Materials
Brushes, paints, colors, they make me awake. I have to hold, brush them again.

5. Big Native Bag (18x36)
I need big bags since I carry my whole room around. I bring books, two or three of them, yet I will not read—just love the feeling that they are with me. Right now, I got Krip Yuson's The World on Paradise (essays on writers and writing) Dumdum's Third World Opera, and Don DeLillo's Cosmopolis (just bought it at E-mall Booksale for 30, and the book is dedicated to Paul Auster, who is one of my favorite living writers).

6. Happiness


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