Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Diminishing Line

I realized there's a diminishing line between arrogance and confidence, between innocence, ignorance, and pretension.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Hurt Locker

You love playing with that. You love playing with all your stuffed animals. You love your Mommy, your Daddy. You love your pajamas. You love everything, don't ya? Yea. But you know what, buddy? As you get older... some of the things you love might not seem so special anymore. Like your Jack-in-a-Box. Maybe you'll realize it's just a piece of tin and a stuffed animal. And the older you get, the fewer things you really love. And by the time you get to my age, maybe it's only one or two things. With me, I think it's one. —Staff Sergeant William James [speaking to his son]

Colonel Reed: Yeah. How many bombs have you disarmed?
Staff Sergeant William James: Uh, I'm not quite sure.
Colonel Reed: Segeant?
Staff Sergeant William James: Yes, sir.
Colonel Reed: I asked you a question.
Staff Sergeant William James: Eight hundred seventy-three, sir.
Colonel Reed: Eight hundred! And seventy-three. Eight hundred! And seventy-three. That's just hot shit. Eight hundred and seventy-three.
Staff Sergeant William James: Counting today, sir, yes.
Colonel Reed: That's gotta be a record. What's the best way to... go about disarming one of these things?
Staff Sergeant William James: The way you don't die, sir.
Colonel Reed: That's a good one. That's spoken like a wild man. That's good.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Akira Kurosawa

Peaches can be bought, but where can you buy a whole orchard in bloom?
—Akira Kurosawa, "The Peach Orchard"

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