Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tsinelas: Their Books 2

As part of the Press Freedom Celebration this month, our organization, Tsinelas, is holding a book sale. We call it Their Books. We collect books from writers, poets, editors and media practitioners, musicians, artists, art lovers and other prominent personalities in cebu and put them on sale. We did this last year, and it was very successful. We are doing it again. We will use the proceeds to spend for our beneficiaries' education.

Can you donate some of your old books to this event? Any kind of books from your personal collection will be great. I know it is difficult to part with our books, but it is worth the pain if we think of how far our generosity can go.

The book sale will be on Sept. 25, 26, and 27 at the Ayala Center Cebu.

We hope to hear from you.


Lorenzo "Insoy" Ninal

Executive Director

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