Saturday, November 15, 2008

yawyaw:::lower down your volume

Please don't let me hear you sing "I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane" while riding a jeepney.

Monday, November 10, 2008


ni Jona Branzuela Bering

Pila nalang kalakang
og hingpit nakong mogawas
sa imong nataran. Dinhi
daghang nahitabo:
nautingkay ang nagkaanam
nagkalawos nga kahiubos,
nabungkag ang tinapok
nga kagahapong angay
na untang sunogon, ug nakawt
ang tinaguang pagmahay.


Jona Branzuela Bering

let us watch silence
like a jar—an aquarium
with a goldfish, or like a candlewick,
flickering, just beside
the aquarium, or like the corner
table where the aquarium
sits and the candle stands,
or like the two chairs, trapping
the table, where space is
not part of the equation, or
silent and cold like the floor
where the table and the chair
are placed, or like the two of us,
sitting in the chair, staring
at the goldfish, at the candle,
at the silence that wraps itself around us.

*insights are needed*

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