Monday, November 13, 2006


(a scene i saw beside the boulevard of values)

Hurling sound of the angry wind
Yearned to be hugged.
Over and over,tried to bejewel with
Crystals and diamonds, yet I saw the
Reality, raging with ripe emotion
---- a numb almost lifeless body
lurking, lying, hugging himself
In a muddy, cold earth; an incenerated
Soul in the middle of a fearless rain
Yet still, yearning to be hugged...


A peso-dearth of change
is a million loss.
The passenger of this trek
may wrangle, may scream.
The controller of this trek
may wrangle, may scream.

They both feel the same.

A peso-dearth of fare
is a million loss to a driver.

Demanding. "Lacking a peso"

"It's enough, I'm a student"

"Enough for the pitiless one"

I wanted to wrangle.
I wanted to scream.

We both feel the same.


aI hear anguished sounds
from the door which separates us.
A sound that chokes my heart.
Maybe it is the weeping of the daughter
when her father came
with his mistress clinging to his arm.
While her mother is on her way to Manila.
With her two siblings leaving
her since she said: she loved her father more.
I hear another sound-----
A whisper from her father.
Trying to comfort her----
Assuring her that everything will be the same.
And then another sound came.
If I'm not mistaken,
it is the slamming of the door.
Then I see the young girl with unwiped tears
on her sullen face.
Pushing the woman
away from her sight, away from their life.
(all these scenes I see behind my window pane)
no more.
I get out of the apartment.
There, I see the daughter sitting, staring
at nowhere. And then, the first door opens.
There, I see you having the same pain
in my eyes---------
Tormented by the scene behind the door between us.
I get inside------
the closing of my door echoing in my heart.

halu guys!!!!

post namn kayo nangcomment.... kahit violent reaction, i-accept ko... thanks......


(for Sir CC)

“Mabolo is a district in the City (Cebu)”, you said.

Yeah it is, but you’ll never know what’s within Mabolo.

You saw the squatters---the hub of
‘Lupin’ ,istambays; the dirt
Flowing above the canal-water
Disgusted your vain eyes
You clearly see them.
But you don’t see the helpless
Child crying in the old istambay’s heart
The trusses trying their best not to collapse
The moss clinging hard not to be washed away
And become one with the
Dirty canal-water

You don’t see me

The yokel child with her face
Smeared with tears
And sip-un, tugged your
Well-ironed slacks, asking for
A peso
You pushed her away since you’re afraid
She might stained your well-ironed
Khaki pants (the stain might be
Too obvious)

You simply rejected me

Maybe in your own ways
You tried to see
Me clinging hard to
The stone reaching out
Your hand to pick me up
Out from the dirty canal-water
But once your uncalloused
Hands made contact
With the dirt above me
You moved away

You’re a Great Wall of China
Archaeologists over the centuries
You’re composed of what elements? You’re just
Too potent who
Scared a hell of invaders
I am a Kublai Khan,
Trying to penetrate you

I badly hope, history repeats itself

LUPIN- coined by mabolo people referring to the thieves, snatchers,
Shoplifters; he is an anime character known for being a mischievous theft

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