Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Movie Ranting:::Burn After Reading, and I Was Not Burned

Sometimes the name of the directors are deceptive. It is funny. Indeed. Just funny. And it was the unlikely character of Brad Pitt, the dimwit, who offered the just-funny cracks every now and then. What is he doing in the film anyway? Any no-name actor could actually have it. And even though they swear they are not entertaining commercialism—that they are just another low-budget directors—they're heading toward it—inevitably. Tilda and George (first-name basis o!), I could understand since they were paired up in Michael Clayton. And the bald presence of John Malkovich one shouldn't question, and Frances MacDormand—afterall she is the wife of the older.

The film has no central force, which perhaps, ironically, made it as its central force—its dispelling force.

And though critics said that the zooming in and zooming out of the google earth, respectively used in the opening and closing part of the film now become a cinematic cliche, was my favorite. When it comes to cinematography, of course, they have the angles. But isn't it plagiarizing their own work when in fact, those angles had been previously framed in their not-so-old films?

Anyway, I still love the tandem of this two-head director. Hope, it will last.


Monster Paperbag said...

I suspect the brothers just wanted to make a "fun" movie after the bleakness of No Country :). Pero nindot gihapon, lingaw :).

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