Monday, November 13, 2006


(for Sir CC)

“Mabolo is a district in the City (Cebu)”, you said.

Yeah it is, but you’ll never know what’s within Mabolo.

You saw the squatters---the hub of
‘Lupin’ ,istambays; the dirt
Flowing above the canal-water
Disgusted your vain eyes
You clearly see them.
But you don’t see the helpless
Child crying in the old istambay’s heart
The trusses trying their best not to collapse
The moss clinging hard not to be washed away
And become one with the
Dirty canal-water

You don’t see me

The yokel child with her face
Smeared with tears
And sip-un, tugged your
Well-ironed slacks, asking for
A peso
You pushed her away since you’re afraid
She might stained your well-ironed
Khaki pants (the stain might be
Too obvious)

You simply rejected me

Maybe in your own ways
You tried to see
Me clinging hard to
The stone reaching out
Your hand to pick me up
Out from the dirty canal-water
But once your uncalloused
Hands made contact
With the dirt above me
You moved away

You’re a Great Wall of China
Archaeologists over the centuries
You’re composed of what elements? You’re just
Too potent who
Scared a hell of invaders
I am a Kublai Khan,
Trying to penetrate you

I badly hope, history repeats itself

LUPIN- coined by mabolo people referring to the thieves, snatchers,
Shoplifters; he is an anime character known for being a mischievous theft


jenie said...

jooh, who is cc?

jo said...

cc???hmmm...a friend,a mentor from writing to kabuang...wahehehehe...he is writer...


jenie said...

kinsa man ng writera ba?
kaila ko wa?
if wa tell nlang full name uy.

jo said...
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jo said...


just look for his book sa lib...lassitude and other short stories...pangit mana nga poem. wa lay lingaw...hahaha, gicriticize niya... he is not a poet though..

*he is a writer...wrong grammar ai.

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