Monday, November 13, 2006


aI hear anguished sounds
from the door which separates us.
A sound that chokes my heart.
Maybe it is the weeping of the daughter
when her father came
with his mistress clinging to his arm.
While her mother is on her way to Manila.
With her two siblings leaving
her since she said: she loved her father more.
I hear another sound-----
A whisper from her father.
Trying to comfort her----
Assuring her that everything will be the same.
And then another sound came.
If I'm not mistaken,
it is the slamming of the door.
Then I see the young girl with unwiped tears
on her sullen face.
Pushing the woman
away from her sight, away from their life.
(all these scenes I see behind my window pane)
no more.
I get out of the apartment.
There, I see the daughter sitting, staring
at nowhere. And then, the first door opens.
There, I see you having the same pain
in my eyes---------
Tormented by the scene behind the door between us.
I get inside------
the closing of my door echoing in my heart.


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