Saturday, April 24, 2010

ShinJon, Pyonkichi, and Shinkun

Shinkun is my first regular kid student. He is fascinated with anything about frogs, including Keroru, with Naruto, and Fairy Tail (Yes, manga can be a good literature especially if you're studying Japanese culture). Shinkun and I started from scratch. He makes me proud for improving a lot nowadays whereas he could barely utter a single English word before.

Shinkun rocks!

Yesterday, he said they bought a frog's house. I thought it was a joke. But it seems he caught two tadpoles in the park's puddle and decided to make them as pets. The name of the first is Pyonkichi. I asked him the name of the second one, and he said, "JONA." Hahaha! I laughed so hard. We decided to give it a name "ShinJon." A combination of our names. Hahaha. How could he distinguish Pyonkichi from ShinJon? Tadpoles look alike. Hahahaha

Where are Pyonkichi and ShinJon? <

Where are they?

Here he is: Shinkun aka the Jake in my iTalk existence with his antics in my class.

Shinkun having fun stuffing his nose with tissue paper. I did this too while having our class. Hahaha

Angry Shinkun. We had a Facial Expression class. We practiced basic facial expressions such as "happy," "sad," "tired," and "sick."


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