Sunday, November 19, 2006


By jooh

My Nanay (grandmother) died. And as a grandchild, the most loathed one for that matter, I forced myself to go home, Tuburan, to pay homage. And home is synonym to boredom---in dealing with endless hypocrite relatives.

And upon her death, the traditional rituals reborn: no sweeping of the floor ; no taking of bath; no wearing of bright colors since it denotes happiness ‘daw’; no combing of the hair and blah…blah….

The list went on.

Being twenty and not-so-innocent in the realm of liberal intelligence, simple annoyance won’t satisfy my indifference against such beliefs. I just don’t see their logic behind. And my Mama cocked her brows for my indignation with that subject matter.

Well, why won’t I?

When I saw the ‘mourners’ (they were not wearing red shirts), yet they buhakhak (guffawed) while playing Tung-it and Majong? When my cousin listened in some music in her mp3? When my Ate sneaked out to watch her followed teleserye?

Again, why won’t I?

They are the classic models of hypocritical individuals trying to stick to those so-called traditional norms, yet, discreetly breaking them.

I wanted to break free from the rigid cage of superstitions.

“Hey, Manang Jean (my elder sister) took a bathe” I argued to my Mama.

Lahi ang iya’ng tinuhuan. (She got a different religion) My Mama calmly replied. (She married a guy with a different religion.)

“I got a different religion tinuhu-an (beliefs) too.” I defended myself. My Mama gave me an eye.

In the family, I am the rebellious one. Well, blame it to my father’s genes. Ironically, Papa is such a conservative man, I’m not.

I don’t dwell myself in such beliefs when I don’t see a clear manifestation, that, indeed, they are a noble part of our culture, of our tradition.

The opposite is what I saw on my Nanay’s bilar.

After that conversation with my Mama, my hair was dripping with water, after a short while.


jenie said...

hi jooh,
dont be like that, leave others to their own beliefs if they feel like it and just go on with your own, as long you believe in yourself and you know what your doing. anyways, by the end of the day it will be yourself that you can hold on to.
jooh pabasaha ko sa imo "SLAVE" beh award winning ra ba to.
thanks daan!

jo said...

chakss!!!slave song??? naks!!!sunod na lang oi...

jo said...


this essay has also a story...
different version...kinda seriousand funny at the same time...heheeheh


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